Sunday 26 February 2023

 Another day another fight another lesson learned.

We have to listen to our bodies and do what we need to do to keep going.

I hate the fatigue but some days you just have to stop fighting it and just curl up with a hot drink and a good movie or sleep as long as you need to.

I used to set alarms to get up and press snooze umpteen times.

Now I just go to sleep when I am ready and get up when I wake. I am lucky I have grown-up kids and a husband and we work as a team.

He told me years ago "if you need to sleep just sleep" so that is what I do.

I get fed up with missing days but if I forced myself to get up when still fatigued my day would be pointless anyway as I would be fighting sleep for the entire day.

Do what your body tells you.

Saturday 25 February 2023

 Trying to explain to people that we woke up sick one day and will never get better is hard.

What is even harder is living with that knowledge and not getting bitter and twisted.

Every day, I try to smile and not let people know how hard life with Fibromyalgia is.

But maybe we should shout a bit louder to let people know we are here and maybe get the medical profession to take us seriously and find a cure.

So if you are on twitter or IG etc post and let people know.

Wednesday 22 February 2023

 Pacing is that word you hear over and over but it's true.

But make sure and save that energy for something fun.

It is bad enough being in constant pain without only having the washing up to look forward to.

Weigh up what is really important to get done, do one of them daily, and take the rest of the energy for you.

Monday 20 February 2023

Fibrofog is the gift that just keeps giving and giving.......

Only we can't remember!!


Sunday 19 February 2023

 It's amazing how you can deal with this daily and just keep going.

Others have no clue of the daily battles we face and with a smile.

You are a warrior!

Wednesday 15 February 2023

 Gentle hugs to all and may your day be the best that it can :0) xxx

Fibro Funny of the day

 Someone suggested maybe I should do a quote or a meme of the day on here as I said I felt I had run out of things to say so here it is day 1 :0) xx